By: Claire Cornish
Don’t let the “meat and potatoes” name fool you; Potato Girl is an exceptional-looking little girl whose eyes show kindness and love.
She likes dressing up, playing outside, and spending time running around with her favorite humans, but she is equally happy to curl up on the couch, watching television with her family.
Potato Girl likes to have her photograph taken and is a fun-loving pup who knows when it’s time to stop playing and sit still for a while. She would be more than happy for you to change her name to something that befits her exceptional beauty. After not getting adopted over the Christmas holidays, she is hoping that this will be the week that her forever family will scoop her up and take her home.
She is five-years-young and is a well-adjusted dog who will fit well into any environment.
Potato Girl says to Parkland residents: “I asked Santa to bring me a family this year – could it be you?”
Her ID# is A2058816, and she is currently at the Broward County Animal Care and Adoption, 2400 SW 42nd Street, Fort Lauderdale. Open Tuesday – Sunday 11:00 am – 6:00 pm.
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