Bill Filed to Rename Conservation Area in Memory of Environmental Champion Kristin Jacob

The late State Rep. Kristin Jacobs at the “Rock the Vote” Democratic Club Picnic. Photo by Sharon Aron Baron.

By Sharon Aron Baron

After State Representative Kristin Jacob died in 2020, Florida lost an advocate for the environment.

On Tuesday, Senator Lauren Book (D-Plantation) and Representative Christine Hunschofsky (D-Parkland) filed Senate Bill 588 and House Bill 217 to rename the Southeast Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation area in her honor.

Jacobs was a nationally-recognized champion and tireless advocate for protecting Florida’s environmental assets who lost her battle with cancer last year.

A former county commissioner, two-time mayor of Broward County, state representative for District 96, Jacobs was a longtime friend and inspiration to Senator Book and Representative Hunschofsky.

The Southeast Florida Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation Area was established in 2018 and includes the sovereign submerged lands and state waters offshore of Martin, Palm Beach, Broward, and Miami-Dade Counties from the northern boundary of the Biscayne National Park to the St. Lucie Inlet.

Senator Book said Jacobs not only fought to preserve Florida’s natural treasures, but she also worked hard to ensure public access to and enjoyment of those resources whenever and wherever she could.

“It is my honor to file this bill renaming the Southeast Coral Reef Ecosystem Conservation area after my friend, Representative Kristin Jacobs,” said Representative Christine Hunschofsky, who now holds Jacobs’ seat representing District 96 in Parkland, Coconut Creek, Coral Springs, and Margate.

“Kristin understood both the economic and ecological benefits to this coral reef area and helped ensure its protection by having it designated as an important conservation area. This is a fitting tribute to forever honor and recognize her legacy of protecting this vital Florida asset.”

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