Fall in Love with the Idea of Giving Birth at Northwest Women’s Hospital

Patient Room at Northwest Medical Center.

By: Jen Russon

It’s a new era of quality healthcare for families choosing to deliver their dreams at Northwest Women’s Hospital in Margate, FL, where, just over three years ago, the hospital campus began a sweeping $75 million expansion, completed this winter.

The new state of the art patient tower features women’s services and a new medical-surgical unit.  Encompassing all of the bells and whistles one would expect in 2020 – their maternity unit offers all private suites and bathrooms for labor, delivery, and recovery, OB/GYN hospitalists for laboring mothers (on-site 24/7), a level III neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) staffed by board-certified neonatologists (on-site 24/7), board-certified lactation consultants providing personalized breastfeeding instruction, VBAC options, free baby and birthing classes, overnight sleep accommodations for significant others, a comprehensive infant security system; and for future needed visits, their dedicated pediatric emergency room is located right downstairs. 

Ready to tour, they offer plenty of reasons for expectant parents to grow their families at the award-winning facility.

A highly recommended Coral Springs veteran of maternal care, Omega Women’s Care, has placed its trust in Northwest Medical Center for several decades. They pride themselves on providing their patients with the highest level of care without compromising their wishes. 

Dr. Tali Rombro of Omega Women’s Care said, “We are big proponents of low intervention birth options at Omega, where we want our patients to be as comfortable in their birthing journey as possible. By offering guidance through labor and delivery with amenities such as birthing balls, aromatherapy, and the ability to move around and walk throughout the unit, mothers can have peace of mind while laboring.”

With their eye on continued good health long after the baby is delivered, Northwest’s maternity team offers access to seasoned midwives, low intervention birth options, and vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC).

For moms wanting to experience vaginal birth after cesarean, the team at Royal Palm OBGYN is well versed in this procedure. 

“We want all women to have the birthing experience they want,” said Jose Luis Terrazas, MD at Royal Palm OBGYN. 

“The reason VBAC is such an important option is that it usually means a shorter recovery time and a lower risk of surgical complications so that patients can get home and back to their normal routine faster.”

According to the Mayo Clinic, 60 to 80 percent of mothers have a successful vaginal delivery following a C-section. Still, the choice to pursue VBAC or schedule a repeat C-section can be difficult; however, the dedicated maternity team at Northwest Women’s Hospital can help patients make that decision with confidence.

While most births at the facility occur without complications, Northwest meets any challenge newborns may face with the only Level III NICU in northern Broward County – staffed 24 hours a day with neonatologists and specially trained neonatal nurses.

Parents also have 24-hour access to the NICU and their baby’s care team to ensure they feel as connected as possible.

Whether their bundle of joy is carried to term or arrives early, he or she will receive compassionate, specialized care before, during, and after delivery.

Northwest was also recently recognized by the National Safe Sleep Hospital Certification Program as a “Silver Certified Safe Sleep Hospital,” for their commitment to best practices and education on infant safe sleep.

When scheduling a tour of the brand new, “bigger and better” maternity unit, parents are encouraged to register online for educational classes that meet monthly and are free of charge.  With the opportunity to learn about baby care 101, lactation, bathing, diapering, support groups, and the like, parents will find friends for life and bond with other new parents at Northwest.

Roxanne Bernard, RN, and Director of Women’s Services and her team are always eager to address any health concerns and expectations – such as pain management during labor, the bottle vs. breast debate, fetal heart rate monitoring, circumcision for infant boys and newborn testing.

They pride themselves on learning every mother’s complete medical history and working closely with her obstetrician or midwife during their birthing journey. 


Don’t miss their Grand Opening Event, where they will be pampering the community.

To see firsthand everything Northwest Women’s Hospital has to offer and to tour its bigger and better maternity unit, RSVP for an afternoon of pampering here.  The special event features massages, polish changes, hair twirling, mini photo sessions for maternity and families, as well as healthy bites and “mocktails.” 

It’s an opportunity to RELAX with your girlfriends, take a tour, quiz a doctor, pose for a photo or two and pre-register to deliver at Northwest.

“Fall in Love with Northwest Women’s Hospital” Saturday, February 1, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Northwest Women’s Hospital is located at 2801 North State Road 7 in Margate, FL, serving residents in Margate, Coconut Creek, Coral Springs, Parkland and  West Boca Raton.

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