Marjory Stoneman Douglas Eagle Regiment Competes in Winter Guard World Championships


The Marjory Stoneman Douglas Indoor Percussion and the Stoneman Winds at the WGI World Championships. {Photos by Scott Rush, Marlen Rivero, and Lauren Susman.}

By: Matt Rothman

For the first time in school history, on Saturday, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Indoor Percussion and the Stoneman Winds competed in the Winter Guard International [WGI] World Championships in Dayton, Ohio.

After both teams advanced directly to the finals, MSD Indoor percussion placed 14th out of 47 different high schools in the finals with a score of 87.375. Stoneman Winds were fifth out of 20 high schools with a score of 88.075.

Founded in 1977, WGI Sport of the Arts produces indoor color guard, percussion, and winds competitions.

“We are beyond excited for our two groups that made their debut at World Championships,” said Steve Rivero, band director. “It is truly unprecedented to enter the competition for the first time and advance to finals. Both groups did just that.”

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