Rep. Christine Hunschofsky: Gratitude in 2022

State Rep. Christine Hunschofsky

From State Rep Christine Hunschofsky:

Happy New Year! I hope you and your family had an enjoyable holiday season and are having a great start to a better and brighter year ahead!

It was wonderful to be back home for the holidays, to attend so many local events, and to meet and catch up with constituents and friends. The New Year is often a time where we reflect on the past and make resolutions on how we can improve upon the future.

For the past few years, I have chosen a word every January to set the tone for the year ahead. This year I have chosen the word “gratitude.” The past two years have reminded me how quickly time passes us by and how our world can change at a moment’s notice.

It is easy to take for granted the blessings we are given every day, no matter how small they may be and no matter how challenging our day may be. Sometimes we forget to notice the good moments, the moments of joy when they happen. Sometimes we take for granted those around us and forget to let them know how much we care and love them. This year, I will strive to be mindful, to be present in the moment, to not let the negative completely drown out the positive, to keep things in perspective, and to work toward solutions.

One of the things that always keeps me grounded is listening to people, hearing their stories, and learning from them. There is something so beautiful when we can connect on a personal level with the people who live in our communities. I am always inspired and humbled to hear people’s life stories, the ups, and the downs, and the challenges they overcame. We have so many incredible people in our community who show up and give back whenever they can. They are often the overlooked heroes who I personally appreciate and have so much gratitude for.

Thank you to all of you for bringing me into your daily lives this past year and trusting me to serve as your voice in the House of Representatives and in our community as your District 96 State Representative. It is my honor to serve.

The Legislative Session begins this month in Tallahassee on January 11 and runs through March 11. You can follow all the bills filed and coming before the various committees by visiting Please reach out to me with any thoughts or concerns you may have. Your input is a necessary and valued part of this process. Additionally, the redistricting process is well underway and is expected to be completed by the end of the session. Please visit to see all the submitted maps, give feedback, and submit a map of your own.

As always, please feel free to reach out to our office at 954-956-5600 with any questions you may have. I will also be providing updates on Facebook at @RepHunschofsky and on Twitter at @chunschofsky. If you wish to receive email updates, please email us at

Wishing you and your family a happy, healthy, and peaceful New Year!

Christine Hunschofsky

District 96 includes Coconut Creek, Parkland, Margate, and a portion of Coral Springs.

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