Coconut Creek Launches “Toddlers to Scientists” Program for Early Science Education

Coconut Creek Recreational Complex {Aiden Palmer}

By Sharon Aron Baron

The City of Coconut Creek is offering an innovative program designed for the youngest of scientists.

Called “Toddlers to Scientists,” this program aims to spark curiosity and a love for science among children aged 2 to 4 through engaging and hands-on experiments.

The program emphasizes the importance of parent involvement, requiring one parent to participate with each child, ensuring a shared learning experience.

According to the city, the “Toddlers to Scientists” program is set to offer three distinct sessions, each focusing on a different area of science. The sessions are scheduled as follows:

Each session will run from 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. and is crafted to be both educational and entertaining, allowing children to explore the wonders of science in a playful and immersive environment. Given the hands-on nature of the experiments, participants are encouraged to dress in clothes that can get messy.

The program is competitively priced at $15 per session for Coconut Creek residents and $25 for non-residents, making it accessible to a wide range of families. Sessions will be held at the Recreation Complex located at 4455 Sol Press Boulevard.

Registration for the “Toddlers to Scientists” program is currently open and will continue until full, with a maximum capacity of 10 participants per session to ensure an intimate and focused setting.

Interested families can register online through the city’s WebTrac system at or by walking in at the Recreation Complex or the Community Center at 1100 Lyons Road.

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