Parkland Mother and Daughter Publish Book About Anxiety

You’re Not the Boss of Me! cover.

By Agrippina Fadel

When Heron Bay resident Stacie Boyar started her Namastacie podcast during the pandemic, she wanted to share tips and techniques to help those struggling with anxiety during that strange time.

After learning that her daughter’s sleepaway camp friends were listening to the podcast and found it relaxing and helpful, Boyar decided to put her advice in book format to make it available to a broader audience.

Together with her daughter Skylar, North Broward Preparatory School student, Boyar wrote the You’re Not the Boss of Me! full of “tips, tricks, and tested techniques to tame the brain and keep anxiety away.”

A licensed mental health counselor, Boyar holds a master’s in education and counseling and has a private practice specializing in anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

“After learning that Skylar’s camp friends were enjoying and benefiting from the techniques provided in the podcast, we knew that it was important to share it with others. It became apparent that deep breathing, meditation, and mindfulness techniques were not being taught in schools and were desperately needed during this time,” said Boyar.

Skylar and Stacie Boyar {courtesy of Boyar family}

She added that while the initial target audience was teens, anyone struggling with anxiety can benefit from the tips described in the book.

“Each tried and true tip and thought-provoking exercise will train your brain to keep those negative thoughts away while replacing them with accurate, positive, and helpful thought patterns,” said Boyar, adding that practicing these life-changing techniques can help readers “tame their bossy brains,” reduce anxiety, and live a better life.

“This is my first book, and I’d love to write more,” said Boyar, adding that bonding with her daughter during the book-writing process has been a wonderful gift.

Published by The Book Couple, You’re Not the Boss of Me! will be soon available on Amazon.

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