Stay Safe with the Creek Armor App: Emergency Alerts And More from Coconut Creek Police

By Agrippina Fadel

Creek Armor, a new app launched by the Coconut Creek Police Department, allows residents to access police services, receive emergency and news alerts, and use a panic button when necessary.

Available on the App Store and Google Play, the free app is designed to be a direct, one-to-one line of communication between the residents and the Coconut Creek police department. 

“Certain social media algorithms tend to hide police updates, so we wanted to provide a resource to allow the community to send and receive feedback with us directly,” said Scotty Leamon, Public Safety Information Officer at BSO.

Users can sign up for police alerts and city news, such as street closures during traffic crashes, community meetings, and other police department and city events. The Creek Armor App provides direct links to police services and allows residents to schedule appointments.

The residents can report suspicious activity directly to Real Time Crime Center and access Crime Prevention Tips and Scam Alerts on the Coconut Creek Police website. The app also allows users to share their location with friends or family members while walking or running.

When the panic button is activated, the police department gets an alert and can get officers to the scene quickly during an emergency. 

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