By Jill Fox
To help provide assistance to those who can’t leave their homes for fear of contracting COVID-19, one Parkland resident has launched a local nonprofit organization — and needs high school volunteers to help.
Deliver Together provides groceries to those the most vulnerable, whether they are elderly, immunocompromised, or simply feel at-risk leaving their homes.
Six years ago, Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Senior Reuben Zuckerman moved to Heron Bay from New Jersey. His longtime friend, Maurice Korish, started Deliver Together in New Jersey and recently asked Zuckerman if he would be willing to launch the Florida initiative.
Zuckerman jumped at the chance.
“It’s great because you earn service hours and also get to help out the community,” said Zuckerman.
The way it works is a person who needs food or supplies gets in touch with a volunteer through the website. The volunteer then purchases what the client needs and delivers the items right to their home.
However, to move forward, Zuckerman needs volunteers.
“I want at least ten, and then we’ll start matching up with the clients,” he said.
Interested students can visit to sign up to become a volunteer or email Reuben for more information.
Donations are also accepted here.
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