148 New Townhomes Approved for Coconut Creek’s MainStreet Project

Proposed Townhomes in Coconut Creek.

MainStreet at Coconut Creek is set to expand with the addition of 148 townhomes to the development.

During the April 11 meeting, the Coconut Creek Commission approved the site plan for 148 townhomes in blocks five and six at MainStreet phase one.

John Auld made the request of Johns Family Partners, LLP.

This site plan, located between Lyons and State Road 7,  is the second of four, making up phase one. Scott Backman, the attorney for the team of developers building MainStreet, gave a presentation on this phase of the project. While there was no opposition to the plan, there were concerns about the amenities available to residents on these two blocks.

Commissioner Joshua Rydell expressed his belief in the importance of a wide range of amenities for residents. Backman’s presentation showcased a pool and fitness area, expansive green spaces, and trails for various outdoor activities.

The slides also featured aesthetically pleasing townhome buildings with yards, trees, garages, and front yards. Residents will also enjoy access to the sprawling Johns Park.

The townhomes will not be taller than two stories. The plan includes wide streets and a large plaza between the two blocks, with restaurants and stores within walking distance of residential units.

There was little comment from the public, but there was some discussion among the commissioners. Rydell said he supported the project but wanted to ensure a pool and a gym for the residents. Commissioner John Brodie wanted to ensure proper soundproofing between the walls of the units. Vice Mayor Jackie Railey wished to ensure that renters would have access to amenities, and Commissioner Jeffrey Wasserman said he supported the project but wanted to see outdoor fitness equipment.

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