Atlantic Technical College Teacher and Student Recognized by Coconut Creek Police

Sofia De Los Santos and DTRT recipients Kathleen Kelly and Alexa Horodecki are from Atlantic Technical College. {David Volz}

By David Volz

On December 14, Kathleen Kelly, a physical education teacher at Atlantic Technical College, was honored by the Coconut Creek Police for her exceptional contribution to education.

The recognition took place during the Coconut Creek Commission meeting as part of the city’s Do the Right Thing (DTRT) program.

She was nominated by Alexa Horodecki, a standout student at Atlantic Technical College, who was also recognized.

Kelly, who has devoted 28 years to teaching, expressed her passion for the profession: “I am honored to be nominated by my student. She is a top student and will do well after high school.”

Horodecki, president of the Student Government Association (SGA), was also recognized during the meeting. Her ambition and community spirit were clear. “I want to make a positive difference at my school. I want to help other students become successful.”

Supporting Horodecki at the event was her friend Sofia De Los Santos, the president-elect of the Atlantic Technical SGA, who praised Horodecki’s achievements.

“Alexa has worked hard and done well in high school. I am glad to have known her.”

The DTRT program, a key initiative governed by a board of directors under the Coconut Creek Police Department, aims to foster positive interactions between local law enforcement and young people.

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