Congregations Celebrate Purim In Parkland

Religious school students from Congregation Kol Tikvah celebrated Purim with a field day at Pine Trails Park. {Photo by Congregation Kol Tikvah}

By Jill Fox

Children took over Pine Trails Park on Sunday morning for something other than sports – to celebrate the holiday of Purim.

The annual Jewish festival, which begins on Wednesday evening, commemorates the survival of the Jews from Persian rule.

In the past, synagogues have held carnivals with costumes and the chance to win a goldfish or two, but, like everything else, Covid has brought on a change of plans.

Giving out Mishloach Manot (baskets of fruit and sweets) to friends and neighbors is a customary part of the holiday, and one Parkland synagogue gathered by the baseball pavilion to assemble theirs.

“They heard the story of Purim, they laughed, and they had fun,” said Education Director Phyllis Lasky.

Still holding some religious school classes virtually, Temple Beth Chai’s staff feels the experience has offered more avenues to teach and explore than in a traditional classroom.

Third through sixth graders at Temple Beth Chai made Mishloach Manot (food baskets). {Photo by Temple Beth Chai}

Over by the Parkland Amphitheater, 65 families from Congregation Kol Tikvah met for some fun in the sun.

“We had been wanting to do a field day for some time, and we finally decided to combine it with Purim,” said Jen Levin, Assistant Director of Education and Youth Engagement.

Their morning started with a not-so-traditional Olympics-themed Purim spiel (play or skit) followed by activities like Mordechai’s three-legged race and Esther’s egg on a spoon, with a pot luck family picnic at the end.

Alexa Brenner, first grade, tackled the tire jump. {Photo by Congregation Kol Tikvah}

Levin said the kids had the best time. “It really captured something for everybody.”

The Purim celebration continues at Kol Tikvah with a Purim Get-Together and Megillah Reading, including a free pizza dinner on Wednesday, March 16 at 5:30 p.m.

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