Halloween Displays in Parkland Vandalized by Suspected Teens

By Jill Fox

During October, Parkland residents put in hours of work on their Halloween displays. Parents are often seen ushering their children around, showing the homes decked out with the latest animatronics and inflatables.

The idea that someone would want to vandalize the displays inside of MiraLago’s gated community has residents trying to figure out who would want to ruin their fun.

Early Saturday morning at approximately 3 a.m., several unknown individuals drove through the MiraLago community, vandalizing — even destroying numerous Halloween decorations.

What appeared to be teens ran from yard to yard, ripping inflatables out of the ground, dragging them across sidewalks, then speeding away.

Multiple residents caught the suspects on their security cameras, myself included, and have filed reports with the Broward County Sheriff’s Department.

“This is not about the decorations; this is about the malicious act of destroying other people’s property,” wrote Jomarie Cortes on Facebook, whose home was vandalized.

According to Captain Chris Mulligan, BSO is investigating several reports in two Parkland communities.

“Deputies are gathering video evidence and will continue to follow up on all investigative leads,” he said.

Concerned neighbors shared their sentiments for fellow residents’ on Facebook, asking why someone would do this sort of thing and how in a gated community with security.

BSO was unable to comment on the investigation because juveniles were involved.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.

Vandalized Halloween decorations in Parkland. Photo by Kimberly Mish.

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