Register Now for City of Parkland’s ‘Ties and Tiaras’

By Bryan Boggiano

A local dance company is holding an event to bring dads and their daughters closer.

Ties and Tiaras will be held on Feb. 6 at P-REC located at 10599 Trails End. There will be two separate dance sessions by age group: girls ages 3 through 9 from 12 p.m. until 2 p.m., and girls ages 7 through 18 from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m.

The event, hosted by the City of Parkland, will have a professional photographer, DJ, dessert bar, and photo booth. Ties and Tiaras will also include meals, crafts, beading, and surprise guests.

For fathers with daughters in different age groups, they can attend either session.

Uncles, grandfathers, or other special male guests are allowed, too.

Registration for Ties and Tiaras is $75 per dad and daughter and $30 for each additional child if they register before Dec. 31. After that, the cost goes up to $100 per dad and daughter and $40 for each additional child.

No tickets are sold at the door.

To register or to find out more information, go to the event page.

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