Volunteers Prepare For 5th Annual ‘Egg My Lawn’ Event Honoring Gina Montalto

Volunteer bunnies assembled Easter eggs at Deja Blue on Tuesday.

By Jill Fox

With less than a week to go, volunteers are busy preparing for the fifth annual “Egg My Lawn” event supporting the Gina Rose Montalto Memorial Foundation.

The project was created in honor of Gina, a 14-year-old victim of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, who loved children and the thrill of the hunt on Easter morning.

Gina Montalto. {Courtesy family}.

On Tuesday, volunteer bunnies hopped around outside Deja Blue Restaurant to prepare for the Easter Eve event, where they will deliver and hide candy-filled plastic eggs in residents’ yards. Volunteers will also leave a sign on the lawn to let neighbors know of every family’s generous support of the Foundation.

Catherine Walker, who has been involved with “Egg My Lawn” since its inception, said that most volunteers return every year. “It’s a very nice, cohesive unit.”

Families brought their plastic eggs, candy donations, and baby powder for Easter bunny footprints, which appear on walkways as evidence of his visit.

Deja Blue is one of five community business partners with drop-off locations for this year’s donations. Others were CrossFit VICE, CrossFit Hardcore West, Family Bagels of Long Island, and Parkland Bagels.

Egg My Lawn” will take place on the evening of Saturday, April 16. Residents chose to have eggs hidden on their lawns or have the “bunnies” leave a discrete package for parents to open and hide.

For the second time, residents could also choose to donate a set of eggs to SOS Children’s Village.

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