By Jill Fox
To help inspire students during distance learning, several schools have taken the time to send them special messages.
According to Heron Heights Elementary School Principal Merideth Weiss-Schnur, the inspiration for making a staff video was to give students a way to see their teachers’ faces whenever they want, so they can check-in whenever they feel sad or need to see a familiar face.
Weiss-Schnur said distance learning is going well.
“The teachers are all taking their own creativity and implementing it in each of their classes, while still using this platform to differentiate and meet the students’ needs,” she said.
At Park Trails Elementary, Principal Arlene Manville said their teachers are all online and connecting with their students. As issues arise, they are quickly being addressed to help ensure that learning never closes.
Park Trails music teacher, Amy Stewart took the lead on making a video for their students after a conversation during a staff conference call.
“They were all talking about how much they missed the students and thought it would be nice to share that with the children,” said Manville, who added, “Not seeing the kids each morning has been the hardest thing about this for myself and my staff.”
At Westglades Middle School, Principal Matthew Bianchi made the video himself.
He said online learning is going well, and the students are getting a good education while they can’t be face to face.
He made the video because the teachers wanted their students to see them so they could share how much they miss and care about them.
Check out the videos below from each Parkland School.
Park Trails Elementary video
Heron Heights Elementary video
Special Video from Mrs. Seltzer
Westglades Middle School video here
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School video here
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