State Rep Christine Hunschofsky.
From State Rep Christine Hunschofsky:
As a mom, I appreciate Mother’s Day and celebrate all the wonderful mothers, grandmothers, stepmothers, and mother figures who have made a difference in our lives. They are the ones we seek out for support, help, advice, and comfort. Our world is a better place thanks to the love, care, and support our mothers give. I would be remiss if I didn’t say how eternally grateful I am to my own mom and all the mothers I have met along the way who shared their guidance, advice, knowledge, and support, which has allowed me to be the best mother I could be to our two boys. I also recognize how challenging Mother’s Day can be for some who have lost their mothers or for mothers who have lost children. So, while you celebrate this day, please keep those who may be having a difficult time on Mother’s Day in your thoughts.
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 8–12, and it’s a time to thank all our teachers for their commitment to the education of our children and for the difference they make in our children’s lives. When I think back to the special teachers in my life, they were the ones who saw potential in me when I didn’t necessarily see it myself. They didn’t hold my worst day against me, and they challenged me in a positive way to think outside the box, to treat my assignments with thoughtfulness and care, and to be a good person along the way. To all my teachers, my children’s teachers, and all our teachers who make a positive difference in our children’s lives, THANK YOU!
May is also Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness of those living with mental health issues and to help reduce the stigma of mental illness. Many of us have faced challenges of isolation, loss, grief, and additional anxiety. It is critical that we all take time to assess how we are doing and also check in on our family, friends, and neighbors. Help and resources are available by calling 211 in Broward County. You can also visit www.211-Broward.org or www.eagleshaven.org for additional assistance.
As your State Representative, I continuously work to make better policies for our constituents, and that is possible because we are the home of the free because of the brave. That is why Memorial Day is a special holiday where we honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. All the cities in the district will be acknowledging and honoring those lost in the line of duty on Memorial Day, and I encourage you to attend these special ceremonies.
Coconut Creek May 29, 9:00 am at Veterans Park, 3550 Lyons Road
Margate May 29, 9:00 am at Veterans Memorial Park, 7044 NW 1st Street
Parkland May 28, 5:30 pm at Pine Trails Park Amphitheater, 10555 Trails End
Coral Springs, May 29, 9:00 am at Veterans Park, 8601 Royal Palm Blvd.
At the time of submission, the 2023 Legislative Session was scheduled to end on May 5. We will be hosting legislative updates throughout the District in June to share with all of you what bills passed and what their impact is. Please keep an eye out for our email newsletter to receive updated information on dates, times, and locations. If you are not receiving our emails, please subscribe by emailing Linda.Beauport@myfloridahouse.gov with “subscribe” in the subject line. I want to thank all of you who have reached out to me with your concerns, comments, questions, and feedback. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office by phone at (954) 956-5600 or by email at HD095@myfloridahouse.gov. Also, follow me on Facebook at @RepChristineHunschofsky and Twitter at @RepHunschofsky for regular updates. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your state representative. Please stay in touch!
Christine Hunschofsky
District 95 includes Coconut Creek, Parkland, Margate, and a portion of Coral Springs.
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