Christine Hunschofsky at the Holiday Caravan in Coconut Creek. {courtesy}
From State Rep Christine Hunschofsky:
Happy New Year! I hope you and your family had an enjoyable holiday season and are having a great start to a better and brighter year ahead!
The New Year is often a time when we reflect on the past and make resolutions on how we can improve upon the future. These past few years I have chosen a word every January to set the tone for the year ahead. This year I have chosen the word peace. In a world that at times seems more and more tumultuous with challenges in our personal and professional lives, I try to work on keeping my own peace of mind. Inner peace helps when dealing with conflicts, turbulence, challenges, and worries. It helps center me and gives me the ability to focus on what I can control and how I can help work toward a solution. We all benefit from peace in our lives, and protecting it when dealing with life’s ups and downs helps us get through those times. This year I will strive to do even more outreach with the many people and groups in our community, to be more present in the moment, to not let the negative completely drown out the positive, to keep things in perspective, and to work toward solutions.
January is a special time of year because we celebrate the great life work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This is a time not only to celebrate his work but also to heed his call for all of us to work toward justice and promoting human rights and dignity. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. so beautifully stated, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” There will be many celebrations of Dr. King’s life in District 95. Parkland is hosting a tribute on Monday, January 20, from 5:30-7:30 pm at the Pine Trails Park Amphitheater. Coral Springs will also have an event at 8:30 am at the MLK Jr. Monument in front of the Northwest Regional Library. I hope you will be able to attend an event, but more importantly, we should all honor Dr. King with our action toward justice and human rights.
Interim committee weeks continue in Tallahassee, and the upcoming weeks we meet are:
January 13-16, January 20-24, February 3-7, February 10-14, and February 17-21
Session begins on March 4 and runs through May 2. You can follow all the bills filed and coming before the various committees by visiting www.myfloridahouse.gov. Additionally, you can watch committee meetings on the House website or on the Florida Channel at thefloridachannel.org. Please reach out to me with any thoughts and concerns you may have. Your input is a necessary and valued part of this process.
I look forward to working with all of you in 2025. Please reach out to our office to introduce yourself and/or your group and let us know how we may be of assistance. As always, please feel free to reach out to our office at 954-956-5600 with any questions you may have. I will also be providing updates on Facebook at @RepChristineHunschofsky and on Twitter at @rephunschofsky. If you wish to receive email updates about upcoming FLOW events and town halls as well as legislative matters, please email us at HD095@myfloridahouse.gov. Wishing you and your loved ones a happy, healthy, and peaceful New Year!
Christine Hunschofsky
District 95 includes Coconut Creek, Parkland, Margate, and a portion of Coral Springs.
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